Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This Post has Many Topics

I know, well just realized that I haven't posted one thing in one month and a day. I'm not much of a quitter but I decided to stop the 30 day thingy. I've been kinda busy recently which is probably why I haven't been posting. On Saturday, Amanda, Ashley, Eliza, and I had a craft sale the same day as the one that was down the street. We didn't have much success. The first lady that came bought cookies and just messed up me and Ashley's table by picking up literally EVERYTHING on them. Fine, if you don't want to buy crafts at a craft sale, why don't I bake you a RUSTY SAW cookie? Ok, I'm kidding :) I would never do such a thing. We had a few more people come but we got most of our sales from Amanda's family. In the last hour of our sale, three little old ladies were just taking there time when we heard thunder. Uh oh. They finished paying and were getting in their car when it started to sprinkle. Eliza ran inside with her drawings while everyone else packed up. When we all got inside, there was talk about setting back up after it cleared up. I opened the door and nope. We weren't gonna set back up. It was POURING. Even if it had cleared up after that, the tables we left out would have been soaked. I know, "You could wipe them off!" but they would still be wet. Anyway. It was a good experience I guess. We will have to try again next year.

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